About Us

5000 year dinner passion for China


Exotic tastes of Chinese Cuisine dishes of different flavors and all natural products CHANGCHENG Restaurant is waiting for you.

The name of one of the seven wonders of the world,the ''Great Wall of China'' from the restaurant, Peykhane sok No:46/1 SULTANAHMET/EMİNÖNÜ /İSTANBUL address entered service.

Restaurant's unique menü,with fresh dishes and exotic atmosphere invites you to eat almost in China.

Special Chinese breakfast, lunch dishes for your taste, a la carte menus, delicious flavors of seafood to all Chinese Cuisine and sauces, offers a different taste and pleasant aroma.

Soybean oil is used mainly for vegetable dishes and general kitchen cuisine is one of the most benefıcial to health. Food for the nutritional value of cooked quickly die and vegetables remain crips.

Sweet varieties are also quite high. Dessert are not as familiar, with fruit dessert prepared in the form of light.

One of the most important features is the Chinese cuisine, the lack of bread. Is accompanied by steamed rice instead of bread meals, and always keeps you fıt. CHANGCHENG Restaurant and experianced staff with the Quality Management System adopted by holding serve at the highest level of customer satisfaction. China's most wellknown fıgure in Chinese Cuisine Special menus are prepared according to your taste by Shen NEW.We also invite you to Restaurant CHANGCHENG to try this flavor.


161. Maguro ( 5 pcs )( Ton )
20 TL
162. Sake ( 5 pcs ) (Somon )
20 TL
Extra Gari
150.Set menü 10/16 Pcs (California 4, TonMaki 6,SomonMaki6)
35 TL
149.Set menü 9/10 Pcs ( Unagi 6, TonNigiri 1, SomonNigiri 1,EbiNigiri 1, KaniNigiri 1 )
40 TL
148.Set menü 8/10 Pcs ( KappaMaki 6, Nissan roll 4) vejeteryan
18 TL
147.Set menü 7/20 Pcs ( Tonmaki 6, Yengeçmaki 6, SomonMaki 4, California 4 )
40 TL
146.Set menü 6/10 Pcs (SomonMaki 6, SomonNigiri 1,EbiNigiri 1, KaniNigiri 1,TonNigiri 1 )
35 TL
145.Set menü 5/8 Pcs ( California 4, TonNigiri 1, SomonNigiri 1,Ebi Nigiri 1 KaniNigiri 1, )
35 TL
144.Set menü 4/10 Pcs (TonMaki 6 ,SomonNigiri 1 EbiNigiri 1,Kani – Nigiri 1 )
35 TL
143.Set menü 3/10 Pcs (Kappa Maki 6 ,California 4)
18 TL
142.Set menü 2/10 Pcs ( SomonMaki 6,California 4)
20 TL
141.Set menü 1/10 Pcs (TonMaki 6, California 4)
20 TL
140.Set menü 11/12 pcs (Ton-Maki 6, Somon-Maki 6)
20 TL
107. Unagi ( Orijinal ) ( Yılan Balığı )
1 Tane
10 TL
106. Tobiko ( Balık Yumurtası )
1 Tane
9 TL
105. Kani ( Yengeç )
1 Tane
7 TL
104. Ebi ( Karides )
1 Tane
8 TL
103. Sake Avacado ( Somon Avacado )
1 Tane
8 TL
102. Sake ( Somon )
1 Tane
7 TL
101. Muguro (Ton)
1 Tane
7 TL
MAKİ ROLL (seaweed is outside)
119. Avacado Unagi Maki Roll/6Pcs ( Yılan Balığı )
1 Rulo
16 TL
118. Unagi Maki Roll/6Pcs ( Yılan Balığı )
1 Rulo
15 TL
117. Avacado Maki Roll/6Pcs ( Avacado )
1 Rulo
15 TL
116. Kappa Maki Roll/6pcs ( Salatalık )
1 Rulo
9 TL
115. Kani Maki Roll/6pcs ( Yengeç )
1 Rulo
12 TL
114. Ebi Maki Roll/6Pcs ( Karides )
1 Rulo
13 TL
113. Avacado Ebi Maki Roll/6Pcs ( Avacado Ebi )
1 Rulo
14 TL
112. Sake Maki Roll/ 6Pcs ( Somon )
1 Rulo
12 TL
111. Tekka Maki Roll/6Pcs ( Ton )
1 Rulo
12 TL
TEMAKİ ( Handroll )
135. Unagi Roll (Orijinal ) ( Yılan Balığı )
1 Tane
15 TL
134. Sake Roll ( Somon )
1 Tane
11 TL
133. Kani Roll ( Yengeç )
1 Tane
11 TL
132. Ebi Roll ( Karides )
1 Tane
11 TL
131. Maguro Roll ( Ton )
1 Tane
9 TL
SPECIAL MAKI (Seaweed is in)
127. Unaqi Özel Roll/ 1 Rulo ( Orijinal)( Unagi-Avacado-Salatalık-Yeşillik;Tobiko/dışı )
1 Rulo
19 TL
126. Nissan Roll/ 1 Rulo ( Vejeteryan)( Avacado- Salatalık-Yeşillik-Susam/dışı )
1 Rulo
14 TL
125. Rain Bow Roll/ 1 Rulo ( Karides-Avacado-Salatalık-Yeşillik;Tobiko/dışı )
1 Rulo
18 TL
124. Boston Roll/ 1 Rulo ( Somon-Ton-Avacado-Salatalık-Yeşillik;Tobiko/dışı )
1 Rulo
17 TL
123. Maguro Roll/ 1 Rulo ( Ton-Avacado-Salatalık-Yeşillik;Susam/dışı )
1 Rulo
16 TL
122. Alaskan Roll/ 1 Rulo ( Somon-Avacado-Salatalık,Yeşillik;Susam/dışı )
1 Rulo
16 TL
121. California Roll/ 1 Rulo ( Avacado-Yengeç-Salatalık,Yeşillik; Tobiko/dışı )
1 Rulo
15 TL


Changcheng 1

Vip Rooms

Our Food


Reservation and all kinds of subjects following contact form or you can contact us via our contact details.


Contact İnformation


Binbirdirek Mahallesi Peykhane Sokak No: 46/1 Sultanahmet İSTANBUL


0212 458 67 60


0212 458 67 59


0532 162 34 06

